How do Zapier and Pony Express HQ
work together?
How to Add Pony Express HQ Texting
as an Action in a Workflow

3. Select your new spreadsheet row in Google Sheets.

4. Click here to link your Google Sheets account.

6. You can create a new Google Spreadsheet in your linked account like in this example.
7. Make sure you have your "Group Keyword" and "Phone Number" is in the 1st row. (required information)
8. Other information colons are optional.
9. Make sure your "Group Keyword" can be accessed from your Pony Express HQ dashboard.

10. Select your spreadsheet and worksheet

11. Time to test your "Trigger".

12. Select your "GetPonyExpress" application and choose your action event for "Add Contact to Group".

13. Choose your integrated account by using your API Key

14. Match each field from your spreadsheet to its the corresponding value

15. You are all set! 🎉 Click the "Test and Review" button.

16. When you see the "Test was successful!" message "Turn On Zap" button from the bottom dialog.

17. You see your new contact in your Group related to the keyword.

18. When you add a new line with the new contact information (Specified with Group Keyword) in your Google Spreadsheet this contact will be automatically added to your Pony Express HQ group. (After a few minutes)

Connect to 2,000+ App
With the Pony Express HQ and Zapier integration, you connect your other favorite platforms so that they work seamlessly with our mass texting service.
With over 2,000 existing app integrations, Zapier will allow you to supercharge your SMS marketing and mass text messaging programs by enabling you to do things such as:
Subscribe new people to your text programs when they are added to your CRM
Collect emails, phone numbers via SMS and pass that data back to your CRM
Send one of the messages and text blasts when events take place in other software suites
Capture user-specific data via text message and funnel it back to other software suites
Here are some great templates to connect your app on the Pony Express HQ dashboard. For more example,
visit our Zapier page; Connect to 2,000+ Apps